Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Dr. Divyaraj Rathod is a renowned Ayurvedic Doctor who is specializes in Skin & Joint Disorders. Dr. Rathod has established himself as a reputable authority in the Panchakarma experts, due to his extensive training and commitments to holistic healing.

Doctor DIvyaraj Rathod
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Years Of Experience

Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Ahmedabad

Divine Ayurveda multi speciality hospital is a modern ayurvedic hospital where traditional ancient knowledge and the modern facility combine to support & heal the body, mind, and spirit.


To provide holistic, patient-centered care by blending Ayurvedic principles with modern medicine for effective skin and joint disorder treatment, promoting health, quality of life, and lasting recovery naturally.


To lead in Ayurvedic care for skin and joint disorders, fostering trust in natural healing and empowering lasting health and balance.

Experienced Ayurvedic Specialist - Dr. Divyaraj Rathod

Dr. Divyaraj Rathod is a renowned Ayurvedic physician who is specializes in Skin & Joint Disorders. Dr. Rathod has established himself as a reputable authority in the Panchakarma experts, thanks to his extensive training and commitments to holistic healing.

Dr. Rathod’s academic career began when he earned his Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medical Science (BAMS) from a prestigious college Indian Institute of Ayurvedic medicine & research, Banglore. This extensive program gave him a strong foundation in Ayurvedic principles, diagnosis, ayurvedic medicines, and various therapeutic modalities.

Dr. Rathod pursued CCPT ( Certificate Course in Panchkarma Technician), a additional certification in Panchkarma Treatment from NRIP – CCRAS , Cheruthuruthy, Kerala to gain deeper insights into healing in Skin & Joint disorders disorders. 

During 14 years of experience, he has gain expertise into deal with Joint  disorders like Arthritis, Muscular Dystrophy, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Ankylosis Spondylitis, HIP AVN( Avascular Necrosis), Joint pains, etc. He also have huge experience to cure skin disorders like Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo, Skin Allergies, Warts, etc.

He actively conducts OPDs in Divine Ayurveda Multi Speciality Panchkarma Hospital , Bopal, Ahmedabad as well as Dirghayu Ayurvedic Panchkarma Clinic, Naroli, Gujarat.

Doctor DIvyaraj Rathod

Dr. Divyaraj Rathod

B.A.M.S, CCPT (Kerala)
Bone Joint, Skin & Digestive
Disorder Specialist
14+ Years Of Experience

Best Ayurvedic joint Specialist in Ahmedabad Gujarat

A variety of medical illnesses that affect the skeletal system, including the bones, joints, and connective tissues including ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, are referred to as “bones and joint disorders.“

Best Ayurvedic Gestro Doctor in Ahmedabad Gujarat

A variety of medical illnesses that affect the digestive system, which includes the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus, are referred to as GIT disorders, or gastrointestinal tract disorders. These conditions can affect the normal operation of the digestive system and result in symptoms that range in severity from mild to severe.

Best Ayurvedic Skin Specialist in Ahmedabad Gujarat

The skin is the body’s biggest organ, serving as a protective barrier between the internal and exterior environments. Skin disease prevention consists not only outside skin care practises, but also interior parts. If you believe you have a skin disease, it must be treated from the source. Ayurveda helps to cure disease from the root.

We Provide Below Ayurvedic Therapies

Our team of best ayurvedic doctors, Qualified keralian therapists, and support staff always ready to deliver personalized therapy for your well being.


Panchakarma treatments, such as Raktmokshan will help to remove ACNE. Raktamokshana is an effective blood purification therapy.

Hair Fall

Panchakarma therapies such as Shiroabhyanga, Shirodhara, Nasya, are all Ayurvedic treatments that can help reduce hair fall and promote healthy hair growth.


Panchakarma treatments such as Sirodhara, Dhoopanam, Abhyangam, Nasyam, Virechana, and others are used to cleanse pollutants in the skin and tissues.


Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments such as Abhyanga (massage), Swedana (steam therapy), and Basti (enema) can also help with gout pain, inflammation, and joint mobility.


Ayurvedic osteoarthritis knee therapy uses Panchakarma, like Janu Basti, to remove toxins, restore Agni, and address lifestyle and dietary causes of imbalance.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) include Panchakarma, herbal remedies like Ashwagandha and Turmeric, diet, yoga, and stress management for lasting relief and joint health.


Ayurvedic therapy for AVN uses therapies such as Panchakarma, Deepana, and Rukshana to relieve pain and inflammation while also improving joint mobility.


To balance inflamed doshas, effective ankylosing spondylitis therapy requires repetitive Panchakarma, Janu Basti, Greeva Basti, and Ayurvedic medicines.


Panchakarma procedures, Janu basti ,greeva basti ,kati basti will help in Osteoporosis. Ayurvedic medications are required for efficient results.


Vamana therapy uses herbal drugs to induce therapeutic vomiting, helping eliminate excess Pitta dosha from the body for Hyperacidity.


Ayurvedic treatments such as Basti therapy, Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (oil pouring therapy), and dietary changes may be indicated for constipation control.


Constipation and diarrhea are typical symptoms of IBS, and panchakarma treatments including abdominal massage, enemas, and herbal preparations may be able to reduce these symptoms.


Panchakarma treatments such as virechan, vaman, Raktamokshan, and basti will assist to modulate the immune system’s reaction to melanocytes, resulting in better skin.


Panchakarma therapies like virechan, vaman, Raktamokshan, and basti will help to modify the immune system’s response in order to restore healthy skin, resulting in improved skin.


Panchakarma treatments, such as Virechana and Vamana, are believed to assist in significantly reducing the intensity and frequency of hives by managing fundamental imbalances in the body.


Panchakarma treatments such as Virechana and Nasya may aid in the removal of warts by improving the body’s immune systems.


Panchakarma treatments like Abhyanga, Svedana, and Virechana help relieve eczema by reducing inflammation and promoting skin healing.


Panchakarma treatments such as Abhyanga, Svedana, and Virechana help detoxify the body and boost immunity.
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